Focused on Safety
Our expert Grote Safety Services team helps southwest Ohio and Kentucky construction companies build and maintain great safety cultures. To create a safety culture, we focus on three critical areas:
- People
- Workplace environment
- Human and Organizational Performance Improvement (HPIteams)
How we maintain exceptional safety
We help our clients attain and maintain exceptional safety by helping them understand that:
- Workers are not a problem to be controlled, they are a solution that needs to be utilized.
- Any system that relies on 100% perfect human performance is flawed.
- Workers do not cause accidents. Workers trigger weaknesses that already exist within the organization.
- People are fallible, but there are tools to improve human performance.
- You have to look beyond compliance and human error to find the root cause.
- It’s just as important to understand how work is accomplished safely as it is to understand how work leads to injuries.

We provide the resources and tools to create Core Safety Values
that are then linked to all business operations.
Safety leadership
John Patton
Safety Director
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals certifies John Patton as a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and he’s a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). In addition, John is an authorized OSHA outreach trainer for the OSHA 10- and 30-hour classes in Construction. As our safety leader, John implements our HPIteams process, employee safety awareness and supports proactive management disciplines to ensure a strong corporate safety culture.
Our Safety Mission
To create proactive safety cultures, relying on the ownership and teamwork of our employees. The foundation of our safe work environment is Human and Organizational Improvement (HPIteams). We will help employees recognize error-likely situations. We will provide tools for workers to reduce errors. We will grow our safety awareness and then recognize the contributions of those employees in support of this proactive safety culture. We will continually seek innovative ways to build upon our core safety values.
Our Safety Philosophy
Exceptional safety performance is a direct result of the organizational culture. To achieve a viable safety culture, safety must be internalized by each individual within the organization. Once safety is internalized it becomes a core value of the individual, and core values cannot be compromised. Therefore, safety is a value associated with every priority.